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App crash(?) after switching to camera appBy Harald K2 Replies · 759 ViewsLast post: 3 years ago · CountMeIn
3 years ago
Android - Cannot "take photo" when creating new point.By BikeOttawaPaul1 Reply · 445 ViewsLast post: 3 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
3 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
Android - Cannot edit or flag pointsBy BikeOttawaPaul1 Reply · 441 ViewsLast post: 3 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
3 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
Unable to launch CounterPointBy edlex3 Replies · 474 ViewsLast post: 3 years ago · edlex
registration not synced between app and web?By ZsK1 Reply · 718 ViewsLast post: 5 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
5 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
Android app crashes when in background and timer endsBy mattbk1 Reply · 951 ViewsLast post: 5 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
5 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
App crashing when attaching a photo.By CounterPoint Admin2 Replies · 1,105 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
6 years ago
CounterPoint Admin