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A place to share public stories about your use of CounterPoint. Share accomplishments, coordinated counts, data results, presentations, coding scripts, files etc...
TopicsLast post
Kit's Point Residents Association - Vancouver, Canada - May 2021By CounterPoint Admin0 Replies · 1,658 ViewsLast post: 4 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
4 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
Student Engagement with Counterpoint App: Academic PosterBy Ann Marie Murnaghan2 Replies · 1,261 ViewsLast post: 5 years ago · Ann Marie Murnaghan
5 years ago
Ann Marie Murnaghan
Bicycle NetworkBy CounterPoint Admin0 Replies · 4,181 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
6 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
Norwegian Cyclists’ Association – SLF Lillestrøm Og OmegnBy CounterPoint Admin0 Replies · 1,061 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
6 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
University Of Manitoba - Urban GeographyBy CounterPoint Admin0 Replies · 1,126 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
6 years ago
CounterPoint Admin
Safe Routes to SchoolBy CounterPoint Admin0 Replies · 1,056 ViewsLast post: 6 years ago · CounterPoint Admin
6 years ago
CounterPoint Admin